Healthy Hair 101: During and After Menopause July 06, 2020Dan Brenner When women say that menopause changed their lives, they are not kidding. Menopause can affect surprising aspects of your life from your heart health to your sex life, and yes,...
Surviving Cancer and The Resulting Vaginal Dryness July 02, 2020Dan Brenner Cancer survivors often find that the aftermath of the disease brings almost as many challenges as diagnosis and treatment. Depending on the specific type of cancer and treatment, survivors may...
Tips for Talking to Your Doctor About Vaginal Dryness June 26, 2020Dan Brenner Vaginal dryness is as normal as the common cold, as normal as getting cramps before or during your period, as normal as morning nausea during pregnancy. In other words, vaginal...
The Link Between Depression, Anxiety, and Vaginal Health June 21, 2020Kristina Lundgren Depression and anxiety are often such insidious mental health conditions that sometimes they find their way into your bedroom. Depression and anxiety can impact your sex life, sexual pleasure, and...
Sexual Health After Menopause: Finding Yourself Again June 16, 2020Kristina Lundgren Menopause is a natural process of aging, but the changes that accompany it aren’t always pleasant. Vaginal dryness is one of the most common symptoms that women going through menopause...
Vaginal Dryness After Surviving Cancer June 10, 2020Kristina Lundgren Vaginal dryness doesn’t just affect those who are going through menopause, and, surprisingly, menopause doesn’t solely affect those who have aged into their 40s or 50s. Cancer sometimes throws a...
Healthy Aging: Menopause is NOT a Disease! June 05, 2020Dan Brenner Vaginal dryness becomes more common after menopause, but not all menopausal women experience a lack of vaginal moisture. Although a dry vagina is one of the symptoms of genitourinary syndrome...
Am I Too Young for Vaginal Dryness? May 30, 2020Dan Brenner Vaginal dryness is not just for Baby Boomers and Generation X. Millennials and even Generation Z may also experience this common health concern Vaginal dryness can affect anyone who has...
Menopause: Beyond a New Normal May 26, 2020Dan Brenner The women who move through menopause most easily tend to be those who can take a positive, or at least a “glass half full,” approach. If you’ve been looking at...
Is Your Birth Control Turning Your Vagina Into a Desert? May 26, 2020Dan Brenner A dry vagina doesn’t always indicate a lack of interest in sex. In fact, hormonal birth control (including some forms of the pill, as well as some contraceptive patches, rings,...
Chronic Vaginal Dryness vs. Vaginal Atrophy May 22, 2020Kristina Lundgren When you experience vaginal discomfort, you learn a glossary of new terms that you may have never heard of before. Two of the most common are chronic vaginal dryness and...
Tips for Healthy Aging May 17, 2020Kristina Lundgren Healthy aging means something a little different to everyone. The World Health Organization breaks healthy aging into five components: the ability to meet your own basic needs, the capacity to...