Five Things to Look Forward to During Menopause October 01, 2020Kristina Lundgren Menopause is often treated as a disease or a medical condition to be fixed, rather than as a natural part of aging. Our culture casts such a negative light on...
Can Menopause Affect My Gut Health? September 28, 2020Kristina Lundgren The changes that occur during menopause seem to leave nothing untouched: your mind may be more prone to anxiety or irritability, your heart health may suffer, and you may even...
What is the Vaginal Health Index? September 24, 2020Dan Brenner Without a background in medicine, it can be difficult to tell how healthy your vagina is. Changes in discharge happen throughout your menstrual cycle, and the natural aging process can...
Meditation, Menopause and Getting in Touch With Your Body September 16, 2020Dan Brenner Though our culture is fixated on efficiency at all costs, there’s a lot to be said for slowing down. Always being on the go isn’t good for your body or...
Managing Those Dreaded Hot Flashes & Night Sweats! September 08, 2020Dan Brenner If you heard much about menopause before it started, it was probably focused on the negatives like hot flashes and night sweats. The exciting and celebration-worthy components of menopause sadly...
Could My Lifestyle or Unhealthy Habits Cause Vaginal Dryness? August 31, 2020Dan Brenner Many people associate vaginal dryness with menopause, probably because about half of menopausal women are affected by it. But vaginal dryness can strike at any time of life since it...
Pregnancy, Childbirth and Vaginal Dryness August 25, 2020Dan Brenner Many changes in a woman’s life can lead to vaginal dryness—not just menopause. Every part of having a child can have an impact on your vaginal wellbeing. Pregnancy, childbirth, and...
Does Heredity Play a Role in Vaginal Dryness? August 20, 2020Dan Brenner Though your mother may have never warned you about vaginal dryness, you might wonder if this menopausal symptom is hereditary. Since so many different factors can cause vaginal dryness, the...
My Mother Never Warned Me About Vaginal Dryness! August 11, 2020Dan Brenner Even if your mother had no problem giving you the sex education talk, there are probably some life changes she failed to mention. Rare is the mom who confides in...
The Particulars of Perimenopause August 03, 2020Dan Brenner Though menopause has a lot more visibility, changes in your body can start much earlier during a period called perimenopause. Perimenopause is when your body gradually prepares for menopause, which...
The Importance of Feminine pH Balance July 29, 2020Dan Brenner Feminine pH balance isn’t a widely discussed topic—but then again, many vaginal issues are still unfortunately considered taboo. But, taboo or not, we need to talk about vaginal pH balance...
Is Vaginal Dryness Affecting My Libido? July 11, 2020Dan Brenner If your sex drive has taken a nosedive, any number of issues could be the culprit. Your libido is a private, personal matter, and it can have a significant impact...